On July 31st at 4:35 am, our son Luke Thomas was born. He was 8lbs, 13oz and 20 inches long at 41 weeks. He has the best cheeks ever and likes to be held. By me. π He is healthy, I am healthy, and we're all a teensy bit smitten.
Lily and Ben (4 and 3) are great helpers, they get little high pitched excited baby talk voices. The don't call him Luke, they call him "the new baby Luke". When Adam (18 months) sees him, he gets the happiest smile and says "baaaaby", and even as a busy kid, he is super gentle. He's never been much of a snuggler, but lately, he is.
How are we? Tired. I feel like we have absolutely no sense of normalcy. I even feel a little crazy. But I've been listening to whatever's telling me to just take it easy. These times will fly (heck I can't believe it's been nine days!) and maybe I'm just realizing it this fourth time around. No blogging, no projects, no worrying about getting everything done. Just focusing on spending time with our little family. And kissing Luke's little chubby wrists and cheeks. And putting down the phone and just watching a little baby sleep in my arms.
We'll find our new normal, I'll get back to posting, and the laundry will get caught up on. (Maybe.) But for now, I could care less. I want to soak up these little minutes.
I am so in love with this little guy and feel blessed that he's ours.
Karah @ thespacebetweenblog
Super duper big congrats to you!! I hope you are enjoying every single second!! Those cheecks are to die for!
Heidi @ Happiness is Homemade
He is sooo adorable and sweet! Eek, I might be getting a bad case of Baby Fever just looking at these pics! π
erica deuel
He's gorgeous!!! I'm so glad you are enjoying your sweet little fam and finding freedom in saying NO and just being present! XO, Erica
Lindsey, the Redhead Baby Mama
What a lover! Congrats on quattro!
Rachel D
SO happy for you and so glad you are prioritizing and saying no (even to good stuff) so you can say yes to the BEST stuff! Congrats!
Congratulations, girlie! π
John @ Our Home from Scratch
You are blessed. Congrats!
Ah! Congrats!! He is so cute! Enjoy all the snuggles!
Beautiful baby and beautiful name!!! Congrats mama π
Congrats!!! He is such a sweetie!
Kelly @ Corner of Main
He is adorable!!! Congratulations. He makes me want another one π
PS-you look AMAZING after giving birth. I looked like a hot mess for weeks. lol
Who cares about laundry! π My baby will be 18 months in a few days and my laundry is still piled up on the couch every few days..lol. Enjoy that sweet baby all you can.
Melissa @ My Recent Favorite books
He is adorable!
great name for a cute little guy! : ) congrats to all of you. Enjoy these precious moments. : )
He is such a sweetie, and you will find your new normal, at least you don't have to drag them to track meets and volley ball and band practice.....that sure was fun....BUT you also dont have two big helpers so you can nap, cuz you were up all night.
I'm so stinking excited for you guys. He is so adorable! You enjoy every minute and don't worry about the other things in life... you will get back to them eventually!
"The new baby Luke"! Love it! Take your time to snuggle your little guy. Loved the little update.
Johanna @ Mama Chocolate
Good job! I really felt this during Elanora's "babymoon". I just wanted to sit there and soak it all in, and I really just ditched my blog for awhile. It was the best decision I could have made. π
I really regret how much time I spent blogging and doing social media during Victoria's first few months. I hardly remember them. π
Kari C
You are blessed...so glad you are enjoying him!
Stuff and Nonsense
he's utterly adorable.