I can’t get over this beautiful weather we’re having! I’m going to be honest, this wasn’t a productive week for me bag wise. I had a colonoscopy on Tuesday (TMI? Maybe but it is my blog so that’s what you get, haha!), spent Monday preparing for it, and spent Wednesday and Thursday just enjoying the heck out of this weather.
I’m not always a mean mom so I wasn’t about to pull a Soup Nazi and be all like “hey kids...”
“mommy’s gotta clean the house, mmmkay?” No. We went outside gosh darn it.
I’ve been tackling our attic, gave myself a week for it!
It’s hard to get up there to clean because it’s freezing in the winter and sweaty in the summer. And when the weather is perfect, nap time is only so long and wasting time on facebook and pinterest is so tempting. I have to do this now or it’s going to get pushed off until fall!
I moved an old rug into this nook area, along with our Christmas decorations and bins of clothes.
I went through the Christmas decorations this year and only packed away what I want to save, so that is done! I need to go through the clothes I’ve saved and make a decision as to whether or not I’m saving them. I hope we’ll be blessed enough to have more kids, but who knows when and I could buy more at garage sales. Why are baby clothes so hard to get rid of?
This is our garage sale pile, my goal is to get this thing larger. I’m sure I’ll deliver on that!
Why oh why didn’t I take a before? This area was JAM PACKED with stuff. Why didn’t I spend an extra 10 minutes and finish it up? Because I needed to get this blog post out, that’s why... 😉
This side is clean, swept, and done.
And here’s the view of everything I have left. Embarrassing? Yes. Motivating? Oh heck yes.
We’re going outside, and as soon as naptime hits, I’m headed back up here to finish it off. I hate cleaning the attic, I want to be done.
This week’s total?
A big garage sale pile, three white bags, two old drawers, two boxes full of old college notebooks and binders, a big ball of plastic, and other assorted crap. Will I throw it out the window? Oh you know it!
I hope you had a productive week, but even more than that, I hope you enjoyed this beautiful weather. 🙂
<a href="https://www.whitehouseblackshutters.com" target="_blank" title="join me for 40 Bags in 40 Days at whbs"><img src="https://www.whitehouseblackshutters.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/02/smaller.png"></a>
This is really inspiring. Our church is having a rummage sale this weekend - I'd better get busy finding stuff to donate! I know I've got plenty of options 😉
The attic looks great! Good job this week. I actually only worked over the weekend (Sat and Sun) and then took this week off. HaHa
halfway done! woohoo!
I love your blog! And I love the idea of 40 bags in 40 days. But if I had an attic that looked like yours(size, space, etc.) I would turn it into a room of some sort, a reading nook perhaps. That is some fantastic natural light coming in.
*some sort of room