Hope you’re doing well with your progress on the 40 bags in 40 days! I was feeling a bit under the weather this weekend, so I broke from my schedule, and chipped away at a few small spaces when I was feeling up to it.
When I cleaned my dresser, a lot of the things that needed to go somewhere else were shoved on top of my dresser. A lot of the things I didn’t have a place for. Those went into the garbage or in my bag! Sorry I didn’t make my bed, Adam fell asleep while I was working. 🙂
I moved the kids’ DVDs into a former junk drawer so Ben can’t take them out of our entertainment center.
I also tackled my medicine cabinet
How was your weekend?
I cleaned my bedroom dresser and the cabinet in the bathroom! It was necessary! Thanks for the post! I decided to check out the small places because of it! Greetings, Mill Hill Carpet Cleaners Ltd.
Oh girl-- I've got an appraiser coming tomorrow morning -- this is what I SHOULD be doing but I AM TIRED!!! AHHHH.
Amanda @ Serenity Now
Good for you!! I have so many areas I need to tackle, it's not even funny. :s
Sharon @ Parents of a Dozen
I love when junk collectors are cleared off! It feels so good.
Love to se the neti pot! Best invention by far!