Every now and again I find myself in some sort of slump.
Whether it’s a bad day or a bad thought or a bad few minutes, it’s not a good idea to dwell on it. Sometimes all I want to do is dwell on it and trudge through my day, but all that ends up happening is that I'm all mopey and crabby and I waste a day.
Here are 31 ideas to cure a bad day. I’ve tried each and every one of them and can vouch that yes, they do help!
1. Take a shower
2. Jump up and down a few times
3. Get dressed, put on some makeup
4. Turn happy music on, loud.
5. Call your husband, mom, or a friend just because.
6. Make your bed.
7. Pray.
8. Have a snack. Have a meal. Make a protein shake. Drink some coffee. With fancy syrup.
9. Take your vitamins. (I take these.)
10. Go outside. Take a walk around your yard. Kick a ball around.
11. Let the sun from a window pour over you.
12. Not sunny and freezing? Put your coat and boots on and RUN outside. Run back in.
13. Take a break from social media.
14. Instead of gossip or bad-mouthing, think of 5 nice things to say about them.
15. Set a timer. In 15 minutes you will do X. In 20 you will do X.
16. Organize something small and dedicate yourself to finishing.
17. Exercise. Get your kids to join in and try not to giggle at them.
18. Challenge yourself not to yell, or only speak in a pleasant tone. (Sarcasm is sometimes acceptable.)
19. Get down on the floor and play. Build a fort with your kids.
20. Read a story. Add silly voices.
21. Cuddle someone.
22. Get off the computer. Stop checking your email.
23. Find 5 beautiful things in your home. Find 5 things you love about your home.
24. Run to the store.
25. Take fun, cute, and silly pictures of yourself. Get the kids in on it.
26. Make something. Get crafty. Bake something.
27. Smile big for no reason and keep smiling. Even if it feels annoying.
28. Plan dinner and get it all ready to go. If early enough, throw something in the crockpot.
29. Archive everything in your email inbox.
30. Ask your kids to tell you jokes.
31. Laugh. Laugh a lot. Laugh really loud.
How do you get yourself out of a bad day or mood?
Also, you may have noticed that once again I changed things up as far as the header goes. I feel like I have finally found a header that conveys what I want this blog to be and a tagline that sums things up quite nicely. I mean, coloring outside the lines? How perfect could that be!
If you're reading this in email or a reader, please click over and let me know what you think. Thanks guys!! 🙂
Help Out A Stranger, Help Out A Stranger,Drop Something From Your Schedule, Make A List Of The Most Important Tasks Of The Day,Take Some Time Just For Yourself. I have found interesting this website:
Such a great list! These are things that are so easy to forget too, but it does work! I often tell my preteen (who is getting a little hormonal and doesn't know quite yet how to always handle it right) that only you can control how you react to things. Take a minute to make yourself feel better! It's so easy to forget when it's yourself though! Thanks so much!
These are pretty good. Now here's one that always works.....
Try lasting 10 seconds not laughing at videos of babies laughing at dogs.
SaintBella Beauty - nails and makeup
Thank heaven that I found this post! I woke up to a typical monday when every-frikkin-thing feels like a pain in the behind. Money problems, girl trouble (that one time a month thing you know...), headache and my cats have pretty much went rogue in my livingroom. Not one thing is where I left it. Oh, and they have spilled out the whole water bowl all over the kitchen floor. Now I'm gonna go pet them and think five nice things instead of secretly hating them at little bit 😛
Sarah McKenna
Nice list! You forgot take a nap, drink a dr. pepper, eat something delicious, and watch a funny tv show. 🙂
Angela Johnson
Great list I think something on that this is bound to help with a bad day.
Rachel Ramey
Thank you for this! I would love to have a colorful printable as a reminder for the wall. You know, in case you have lots of extra time to kill. 😉
Ann Marie
hahaha, Rachel you are cracking me up 🙂 I will make a printable and email you when it is up, great idea!!
Kari C
These are great ideas! Thanks for sharing.
Ann Marie
Thanks, Kari! Hope you guys had a great Thanksgiving and long weekend! Lily had gotten sick Wed and Thurs so we took it easy.
#7 all the way!!!! : ) And comfort food helps too! : ) thanks for this, Ann!
Ann Marie
🙂 it's so simple, but so easy to forget how well it works. I'm glad you enjoyed it, Lori. Have a great night!
Dinner in the crock pot makes everything better 😉
Ann Marie
it really does. The pre-dinner hour or two is so hectic! Thanks, Megan. Loving your Christmas decor!!!
Ann Marie
thanks so much, Dar! Okay, you have to tell me if you made those social icons on your page or found them some where. I need some new ones and those are SO cute! If I have an excuse not to make them that would be rad. 🙂
YOur moma
Thanks Honey I needed this....feeling down.
Ann Marie
I love you, mom!!!!
Thank you so much for posting this! I have just enough time to throw some chicken in the crock pot! 🙂
 are my usual go tos to fix a bad day, your list is great!
Ann Marie
yay! You reminded me and then I forgot and now it's too late. Curses! Commence bad mood. Must. Read. List. Again. 😉 It's amazing how quickly #3 (and #1) and #13 work!
Thanks so much for the sweet comment, hope you enjoy the rest of your day, Kendra. 🙂
Kim @ Sand & Sisal
I sooooo needed this today! Thanks Ann Marie! Pinning too!
Ann Marie
I'm glad it was here for you! Big hugs, Kim. You're AWESOME!!! 🙂 Thanks for the pin.