I said nesting was kicking in but you probably didn’t believe me…
I spent my Sunday night painting the things in my kitchen that no one will see.
The areas where we skipped while painting the kitchen because we wanted to hurry up and finish the parts that you would see. To be honest, we probably don’t need to paint these spots, buuuut, well, keep reading and I’ll tell you in a sec…
Places like under the cabinets
and between the cabinets and floors
we had a light under here? (it doesn’t work)
and the remaining bit of green under our range hood
Some unpainted wood wasn’t skipped, but instead added when we installed our new countertops (see post here).
We added about a half inch of wood on top of our cabinets to raise the countertops to the level of the existing backsplash (the wood’s primed in this pic)
and needed to add a strip of wood between the oven and drawers, see also unpainted side of cabinet to the right
These two actually started us on this project, I told Doug I did NOT want our new fridge pushed into place until these two spots were painted. Next to the dishwasher:
and above the fridge:
Looking at the above picture, you’ll also notice the primed-not-painted trim. And although you can’t see it in the other pics, you might be able to see in this pic that we need a third coat on all of the cabinet doors. As a result, this cabinet has no knobs. And if you don’t have knobs, you can’t put the magnetic holder thingys back inside, you wouldn’t be able to open them. This is the reason why all my cabinet doors are open in these pics, lol.
…go back and look, I’ll wait for ya 😉
See what I mean?!
I left this spot for later, since a cut-to-size piece of wood and heating grate cover it. I’ll spray paint them on another day…
Before I painted them, my husband asked why I wanted to paint these areas. Well, I like a finished job. When the next homeowner comes in (whenever that may be), I’d like for them to not shout out:
“what were they THINKING?!? Why didn’t they just FINISH this?!?”
I wrote something about our painting project on my facebook status and Doug’s uncle wrote:
God knows and he would be proud of us for doing our best no matter what.
I think that totally explains and sums this idea up and I know that’s why my dad does his job the way he does. When doing something, be it a project or raising your kids or living your life, do the best you can whether or not anyone is watching.
God is watching, and I’d like to make him proud.