This weekend we drove out to our favorite farm and frolicked in the beautiful snow until we found the absolute perfect tree. It was like a scene out of a movie or postcard.
Just kidding, we went to Lowes. 😉
We got a Frasier fir, actually the first one we looked at! We did a fake tree our first two Christmases and while growing up. We tried out a real tree last year and loved it. The smell is way worth the mess!
Gotta love the use of pallets!
On our way home from picking up the tree we stopped at a home 5 minutes near our home that has a huge light show at their house! You turn the radio to a certain station and the lights dance to the music.
We parked the car, unbuckled the kids, had some snacks, and enjoyed the show for over an hour! I thought Christmas lights were fun, but they were so much more fun hearing the enthusiastic shrieks of my kids. “THOSE CHRISTMAS LIGHTS ARE DANCING!!!” (insert giggling) “I SEE PINK LIGHTS!!!!”
Do you use a real tree or a fake one?
Do you have any light displays near your house?
The first 19 yrs was fake and past 5 real. My husband likes real tree and I love the smell but my allergies can do without.
First of all, THANK YOU for not doing the Elf on a Shelf, so nice to know i'm not alone! And secondly, thank you for posting a more realistic-for-me Christmas tree excursion. Last year, we went to the cut-your-own-place only to discover it was a madhouse of people and our kids (ages 3 & 4) wanted nothing to do with any of it. This year, we're going to take it easy and buy our tree at the local hardware store. Their prices are great, we'll save on gas and we can spend more time having a relaxing, pre-tree breakfast at our favorite waffle restaurant (also within walking distance).
Real tree all the way! Love the pic of you and the kiddos and your magical trip to Lowes ;). I cannot believe the kids watched for an hour. I know we have houses/hoods that do that around here. I should take the kids.
Your family is just darling, and your telling of the tree-finding story made me laugh! Great post! Also, that lights display sounds fabulous.
thanks for the laugh, loved your opening line!!! : ) real tree all the way; worth the mess!! : )