Ahhhh, winter time. It’s the time of year when we are torn between hibernating and tackling stuff like crazy. I’m also always torn between decorating for Valentine’s Day or decorating with snowflakes. I guess both would be cute together, but after the décor-overload of Christmas, I like to take a break from holiday décor.
We usually go through about 3-4 cartons of eggs a week and I was looking at our stack of egg cartons wanting to make something out of them. And then it hit me – snowflakes!
They were super easy to make, free, and the kids (mine are 3.5 and 2.5) were able to help. Plus you’re recycling and repurposing, so you can use this craft as a little lesson too. 🙂
Here’s what you’ll need: cardboard egg cartons, scissors, and hands. Big hands, little kid hands, it doesn’t matter. Maybe not puppy hands, but I digress...
Cut the bottom of the egg carton so you are left with the little cups, the part that actually holds the egg.
Cut slits all around the cup like this:
Next comes the fun part! Put the cup with slits down on a sturdy table, make your hand flat, and BAM! Hit the cup with your hand, whack a mole style:
This is the part that your kids can help with, and when they’re done you can decorate them, or shape the snowflakes back into cups and smash them into snowflakes again. And again and again and again. 🙂
Here’s a video of the smash action:
You could take the snowflakes and paint them, add glitter, sequins, all of that fun stuff! I loved the look of the plain cardboard and decided not paint them. I hot glued the flakes onto hemp twine and made a garland:
these would be great to stick on the walls, on a wreath, make a mobile – whatever!
and they’re free. You can’t beat that 😉
Do you decorate for winter or do you enjoy having nothing up?
How crappy is that?
Kristin @ Simply Klassic Home
That's adorable Ann Marie! What a clever idea. My kids would get a kick out of the "BAM!"
Ann Marie lives here
thanks, Kristin! 🙂 They would have a blast!!
Jenny Lynn
That is a great recycling project. I really like how they look hanging in front of the window. I want to make some with my kids. I have a 10 year old boy who would love to do some smashing. 🙂
Glad I found your blog, blog hopping around!
Ahhh!!! Love this :). Made me so happy to see you in my feed. I have a little boy who would have fun with this.
Julia Kendrick
These are so cute! Thanks for sharing! My kids will have fun making these.