Hello there, nice to see you again 🙂
haha yes, now you can tell that I’ve got a baby in there. This was taken on Oct 22nd, at 29 weeks.
Peace out, homes.
want an updated pic? This was taken today, and I’m 32 weeks. 🙂
Feeling good baby wise, no weird cravings or uncomfortable-ness, and baby is looking, measuring, and sounding great at every appointment!
AND you also get a bonus a sneak peak at some of the changes we’ve made in our master bedroom 😉
Parents of a Dozen
You look Great!!!!
You are 32 weeks? SERIOUSLY? Well I wish I looked like that at 32 weeks. P.s. how are your legs doing?
This is life
You're so stinking cute~! Ann you're so petite and adorable. I love it. Also your pics from 29 weeks in the polaroid, so silly and fun. "peace out homes" lol
you look so petite and pretty!!!