This week I focused on two spaces that needed a large burst of energy rather than a quick clean up: the kids’ room and clothing and craft storage. I also cleaned up my purse and a nightstand, and focused on keeping the laundry going and keeping things put away.
Shortly after I wrote last week’s progress post, I got to work cleaning out the kids’ room: their closet, drawers, room, and bins in the attic. Sure the room was clean, but drawers and closet were far from it.
To avoid getting intimidated like the week before, I pulled everything out and organized it.
Little by little it all got done and everything was put away. And a week later, it’s still all put away and clean!
On Tuesday night, some of the girls in our facebook group had a little challenge. We all got up off the couch, did a load of laundry, and cleaned a tiny spot. I tackled our nightstand, and while I didn’t have a bag, the spot was clean!
clean drawer, diaper and homemade baby wipes storage
One of the spots I was putting off was the craft and décor storage. I have three drawers in the hallway that were overflowing but now are organized and semi-empty:
I also tackled the crafts and décor stored in the basement calling my name.
I spent about 2 hours (kid potty breaks and interruptions included) and knocked it out. I’ve spent much longer worrying about cleaning the space! I can see the tools, paint, and home improvement stuff looking at me, but that’s next. 😉
3 bags of garbage, 1 bag of fabric, 2 bags of stuff to be donated/sold. I also filled a bag with craft supplies that were never used or taken out of the bag that I can return.
to wrap up the week, I cleaned out my purse while on a train ride and filled a quart-sized bag 🙂
11 bags total!
Want to decrapify and take back your home? Join in our 40 BAGS IN 40 DAYS decluttering challenge! Check out this post, get our printable calendar, and join the closed facebook group for support.
Are you and your blog joining us? Link up your recap posts below:
I just found your website, and what a great idea! I started Spring cleaning/purging/organizing/decorating last week, I'm in. 🙂
Jenny Lynn
It always amazes me at how much stuff I accumulate over the year. Then I so that spring clean, fill the back of my car many times. Only it some how seems like the clutter always returns. I think you are doing amazing!
I've gotten rid of a bunch of stuff this week and have things listed for sale and stacked neatly into bins for the kids swapmeet and our garage sale. still so much to go - but everyday things are moving out!