I have a confession to make. I, Ann Marie, am a furniture mover. Even if a room arrangement works, I will want to move things around. My mom is a furniture mover, so I know I got it from her.
Have you seen this page in the 2012 IKEA catalog? Every time I flip to it, I’m in love. Seeing this room with the beds back to back and the two (cute) sisters who share a room makes me warm and happy inside!
I didn’t think it would work, but I wanted it to fit and maybe that would help?
It fit. 🙂 There’s more room for playing
and more room for getting mad at your sister because she took two of your legos.
Please don’t freak out because I put a bed next to a window. Although they can’t open the windows yet, I always have the safety locks on the window in this room. They can only be opened an inch on the bottom, but we the bottom locked and open it from the top.
The crib was mine as a kid, one bed came from a friend, and the other from freecycle. I got the dresser for free as well. This room desperately needs wall art. But I’m going to stop there! 🙂
Here’s a look at how it was before, there’s so much more room in here now!
Adam likes it too 🙂
What do you think? Do you like to move your furniture around?
Love it! It looks so much bigger! Great finds!! And what a happy baby!
Lindsey @ Harpersville Home
I too, am a furniture mover. I'd say at least every 2 weeks I make some kind of "switch" big or small! I've been doing it since I was young and I can't stop! Luckily my hubby doesn't dislike it too much! Love the way you put the toddler beds.Great idea!
Sharon @ Parents of a Dozen
I think it is a great idea! It definitely gives them more room. I do like to make a change, it is like getting a whole new room. Not really but it is fun and exciting.
Great idea! I have been thinking of being a furniture mover. Some rooms could really use a new look around here. 🙂
p.s. cute baby. 😉
I am a furniture rearranger too!! Looking good. I can't believe you get them to sleep when they are together like that. Love the "my sister stole my Lego" shot.
Love the new arrangement! And it looks like your kids do too! So much space!
I LOVE to rearrange the furniture! My husband hates it:) I have a need to move the furniture around, it makes me feel like everything is fresh and clean.