Happy Earth Day, Good Friday, and Easter (since I will not be posting until after then…)!
Although we PAAS-ed it up last year,
I’ve always been intrigued with the idea of coloring Easter eggs without the little tablet. I mean, that’s how they used to do it right?
Not knocking store bought dyes, I know you don’t eat the eggshells, but in picking up a box at the store, many of the ingredients (like SLS, other names I can’t pronounce) are things I try to steer clear of purchasing.
Did I ruin them for you? I’m sorry. I might end up having to buy a PAAS kit after all…
Here are some great posts on naturally dyed eggs:
This post from Jen at Tatertots & Jello gives simple instructions for dying eggs the natural route with basic household staples.
photo via Country Living, via TT&J
Blake Royer shares a great tutorial and uses interesting mediums (beets? onion skins?! way cool.) in this post.
Cabbage dyed eggs? Gorgeous. From the Crafty Sisters
Use the other methods listed above, as well as HERBS to dye your eggs! From Mother Earth News
Some great tips and photos over at Adventures of an American Mum
(this beautiful blog had me sucked in for a looooong time!)
Of course when you’re looking for pictures, doing a search on pinterest is always sigh inducing. Get a towel ready, you might be drooling on your keyboard…
Have you dyed your eggs yet? We totally haven’t…
Have a blessed Easter!