I asked Lily what we should name this smoothie and after shouting out a bunch of key words and ingredients, she decided that it should be named “Benjamin.” Okay, that works for me.
It’s got fruit, kefir (a yogurt-like drink packed with lots of good probiotics), almond milk, peanut butter (for protein), and chia seeds (a good source of omega-3’s, they boost your mood and give you energy), so it’s super healthy and a great start to the morning!
It almost tastes like a PB&J sandwich, my son's favorite, so I guess the name is appropriate. Here’s how to make it!
A lot of smoothies that we make are mostly frozen fruits and almond milk or kefir. Ben LOVES smoothies, but he has this weird boy thing where he likes to chug his drinks. Even when he’s drinking out of a straw. Breakfast ends up being a big struggle whenever we have smoothies because he’s either crying because he’s got brain freeze or crying because we’re trying to get him to slow down.
The best part of this smoothie is that the only thing frozen is the cup of blueberries. No brain freeze!