If you found this gem in your attic,
in perfect condition, what would you do with it?
Play it?
Sell it?
Frame it and display it?
I was so excited when I found this in our attic! I bought it at a garage sale before we were married, stuck it in a box, and COMPLETELY forgot about it. I didn’t check the year, but now I’m curious.
I would play it and then display it. I was thinking the same thing as Stacey with displaying it. What an awesome find!
Holy cow. Holy cow! I would give it to me!! (wink wink) I'm liking the idea of making it art somehow. . . hmm. . .
Kim F.
I would keep it! The games today just pale in comparison. Those were meant to last. The ones today are here today gone tomorrow! What a gem! I wish I could find the 70's version of Hungry Hungry Hippos. If you're not interested in keeping it, sell it on E-Bay. I always like when other people pay me to part with stuff!
Denise~Paper Ponderings
I just can't help but laugh. I am 48 and this IS the game I have from my childhood. I know we got it new when I was a child and it is still the game we play at our house...I just could never upgrade. Still have the ancient game of CLUE that is probably older than I am too...and it just makes me laugh to think it's vintage.......
stacey wallace
I love it! I would totally play it and showcase it. I went back to my Pinterest and found this idea to share with you. I would love to do this with several games. http://www.apartmenttherapy.com/displaying-game-boardsinfarran-149687
I would play it then make a shadow box out of it. Put the box as the background and the pieces, etc. in. It could be really cool!